Christupps Enterprises is a company that likes to make Crafts. I like to provide those crafts to my customers. I am also a Tupperware Consultant, and Avon Representative.
I also love doing different kinds of Fundraisers for different organizations. If you know of an organization that needs funds; Please consider my business to do a Fundraiser for said organization.
I am currently raising money for the Relay for Life of Tacoma - Puget Sound. 10% of all sales will be donated to the Relay for Life of Tacoma - Puget Sound.
To place a Tupperware or Avon Orders go to the pages above
Please contact us if you want to join Tupperware or Avon
If you place a $60.00 Avon order receive FREE SHIPPING.
If you would like to donate to the Relay for life of Tacoma - Puget Sound, please refer to the Relay For life of Tacoma - Puget Sound Page above.